We once provide inbox until 2021 we got some complaint and decided to close the inbox feature.
this inbox is just collection of incoming message.
but several user use their personal number to connect to fonnte, so some private chats are stored.
while fonnte do not use it for anything but process the message, some users are not satisfied.
so we close this at that time.
begining 2023-2024, as fonnte's user grow significantly, the inbox feature request is on demand.
we still lock in our previous decision to not enable it and suggest using webhook instead.
many of our user is not familiar with coding.
so we had a fight for the decision of opening it or not.
we come to conclusion that we will rebuilt our inbox feature along with ability to reply.
but in one condition, the user is allowing the incoming messages to be stored.
so we are not without consent storing all incoming messages.