Update 17 November 2022

The update is mainly focused on better user experience and add several mini features and ofcourse, bug fixes.

Add status read/delivered/sent on send message

When sending a message, you might want to know whether

  1. Your message is already read by recipient
  2. Just delivered but haven't read yet
  3. The recipient's whatsapp is not active at the moment.

Add name on autoreply

You can now call the name of the recipient directly using variable {name}.

Delete account & device

You can now delete your account and your device if not needed.

You will receive an OTP to confirm you want to delete it.

Add notification

We are adding more notification to disconnected device while having pending messages and webhook failure.

If you have pending messages and somehow your device disconnected, the messages will be in pending state.

these messages will be sent when your device is connected to fonnte.

So if you have pending messages, we will notify you every 4 hours or you can delete all pending in the message history.

And you will get notification whenever you webhook is unreachable for whatever reason.

Bugs fixes

fix broken download link history

fix multiple keyword autoreply button doesn't replying

fix empty response on button default reply

fix non default button replying with default button

fix case sensitive button autoreply

fix incorrect device's name on invoice

optimize autoreply logic

optimize send media message

update history, report, API message status

Related knowledge

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