Update 6 Februari 2025

We are adding more features in this early february 2025.

the focus of this update is to add more features and more optimization.


more features and optimization :

  1. secret key webhook : enable secret key in webhook data
  2. search message history by id : add search filter in message history
  3. Delete processing message : delete history now also delete processing message
  4. Additional response API send : additional requestid on response
  5. inbox : inbox feature on demand
  6. quote message on webhook : add ability to quote message when replying using webhook
  7. Optimize incoming message : disable read message on demand
  8. Deposit : deposit system is available
  9. Autoconfirm : order using deposit allow to autoconfirm
  10. API order : allow order to do using API
  11. Fix : corrupted file on download

Secret key webhook

Webhook are now can use secret key for additional data to verify it's coming from fonnte

Screenshot 573

search by id message history

you can now search message by it's id.

it's useful when looking for specific message data.

this is developed for inbox support.

Screenshot 574

Delete processing history

When deleting message that is already on process, the processed message cannot be cancelled.

now you can cancel it by deleting it from message history.

for example : you are sending 5 messages with delay 10 seconds. then you realize there is an error in the message. previously, you cannot cancel it. but now, by deleting it from message history, it will not processed anymore.

requestid on response

As fonnte's user growing, There are a more users who use API send complaining about their request is invalid/not exactly as their requested.

but when fonnte ask what is their request, they are not storing their request so it can easily be one side blame "it's fonnte's fault" instead of figuring out together which request data should be adjusted.

so we are taking initiative to help logging the request, so we can both examine the request and response together to create more win win solution environment and ultmately can assist user better.

the request id is exist in every API send response whether it fail or success.

Optimize Incoming

Previously, we are processing all incoming message for user who activate autoread to on.

this task, can take many spaces and computational power as whatsapp grow with many new data.

we are now limiting what to process and not, so we can reduce our server usage and lead to better performance.


fonnte will store incoming message on demand.

you can enable it by activating autoread and inbox in the device->edit menu.

Screenshot 575

Webhook quote

When using webhook, we cannot quote the chat we are replying to.

now there is additional data named inboxid.

when activate inbox, webhook will also have inboxid to be used as quote data.

so on reply, you just need to add inboxid in the API send.

Deposit system

Fonnte use BCA scrapper to autoconfirm payment.

but lately, the scrapper got more and more not reliable.

some order have been paid but not processed until it changed to failed.

so we take another approach (since we still not deciding to use payment gateway yet), we add deposit.

this is more likely not to be used by most of users, because the nature of deposit : you are paying upfront to be used later, while fonnte also having custom duration order.

so most of users are not expected to use deposit.

then, who are using deposit?

we are introducing API order together with this deposit system and autoconfirm system.

this is more likely to be used as autoconfirm payment for business to integrate seamless and easily with fonnte, together with device management API.


Autoconfirm is used to autoconfirm the order when you make an order to fonnte and choose to use deposit.

this way, you can right away activate your order without waiting for BCA scrapper or manual process.

this is most beneficial for business.

API order

API order is now available to be used to make an order right from your own system.

to use API order, you need to have deposit in your account.

without it, your order will always failed as order through API order will be autoconfirmed.

see API order documentation or go to postman.

Fix download attachment

When downloading an attachment, sometime the file is corrupted.

especially if the file is large enough.

we fix this and the attachment should now correctly downloaded.

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