This is a big change on fonnte's dashboard.
Many things have changed.
i'll describe what's new on this dashboard
The Dashboard
The dashboard itself got a new face after rewrite for fresher look.
You'll see the arrangement and placing of some menus and elements a bit off than before.
Dashboard will now show recent info and tutorials.


Now you got 10k messages quota per month for every device free for development purpose.
Device is showing total device, connected device and total messages requested by all devices combined
Order menu is no longer exist, order will be available on each device.
One click token to easier copy token
Nothing much change except looks for this menu.
Variable {nama} now changed to {name}.
Now you can add unlimited variable
Message History
Message history is now filterable by status and time.
But search is only work for current page.
You can now delete message history if you want.
Resend message is available.
All messaging now combined in this menu.
You can send immediate message/scheduled message/recurring message to manual input target/group of targets/contacts with message of manual input/template with or without file
Nothing much changed.
Variable {nama} now changed to {name} with unlimited variable
Recurring is now more flexible with timezone.
Sadly, this rewrite also require to rewrite the database relation.
So you have to recreate your recurring template.
Nothing much changed.
Default reply is easier accessible
Invoice is now listed and easily downloadable.
Nothing much changed
You can reach support easier
You can reach documentation easier
There are many changes on our API
Reduce redundant field, changing some fields name and increase performance
You can check the detail on API section